Ask Your Legacy Questions Now

An Interview with the founder of Questions Unasked

Aimee Liu
6 min readNov 16, 2022


Photo by Cheryl Winn-Boujnida on Unsplash

Some families are rich in natural storytellers who keep their clans’ oral histories alive. Most of us today, however, are too busy and distracted by modern life to sit and listen to our elders, and we often don’t realize what we’re missing until it’s too late. To help families prevent this loss, Canadian writer Victoria Veldhoen has taken a novel approach to capturing elders’ stories. She conducts interviews for her clients.

Victoria was one of my MFA students at Goddard College. Since her business, Questions Unasked, grew out of her thesis project, I was interested to learn more about that progression. So, I asked if I could interview her. Our conversation highlighted both the challenges and the value of making — and following through on — a clear plan to collect family stories.

If you’re struggling to draw the past out of your aging relatives, read on!

Q: Welcome Victoria! Why don’t we start with your personal story. You lost your mother when you were just 20. I remember how hard it was for you to write about that loss in your MFA thesis. How did that struggle lead you to this new venture?

A: Hi Aimee! It’s so interesting to hear you mention how hard it was for me to write about my mom’s death because at…



Aimee Liu

Author, Asian-American novels (Glorious Boy), nonfiction on eating disorders (Gaining), writing, wellness. Published @Hachette. MFA & more@